Thursday, August 16, 2007

Showers of Blessings

After a season of drought, the rain started to pour out….I guess it’s raining now, and my life has been soaking lately on His presence. With that, blessings follows…. J
I’ve been wanting to buy a computer, it’s been a couple of months already…such a procrastinator!!Hehe, but financially as well a bit difficult. And remembered that I did once prayed and ask God to give one to me…hehe…felt kinda silly afterwards, then I reasoned to myself that computer doesn’t just fall down or get delivered to your front door. So put away the thought of getting a “free” computer from God.

This month I was getting close of buying it…and one fine night, my housemate Felisa, received a phone call from her friend whom just came back to Brisbane a week ago, and guess what…..
She asked Felisa if anyone needed a computer, and she’s “giving away” hers, in the midst of spring cleaning her apartment.

In the midst of preparing salad for dinner, my heart kinda leaps! Haha…was stunned and surprised. And without any hesitation, I say “Yes” to the offer!!!

In my heart, I said to God…”Lord, I wasn’t that serious asking you for a “free” computer…, but apparently You are serious with my request!”

Was reminded that couple of days before, on one fine night, in God’s presence, was expressing my desire to want Him more..and I told Him that I do not ask for blessings, nor any success in career, nor a house, nor a new car, nor a life partner(seriously….), if there’s one thing I ask is You, Lord. I know that nothing could ever fill that place in my heart other than Him. I know it…
And this God-chasing experience became really..really exciting!challenging!won’t change anything for it. I really found what I’m living’s Him, a person, the truth, not the “things” of Him, nor what I can get and be for Him. The core of all that is basically a “relationship”…a love relationship with Jesus. And in the process, I am changed, and in that place, I am where He wants me to be, and doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I believe that when we place the right priority in our lives, everything will sort of fit and turn out to be just right. But again, we must not look at it through our human eyes, but through God’s…through the lenses of faith in Him.

So, it was really “sweet” of Him giving me blessings…He must have delighted in me…Ohhh..I think I’m falling in love again…

Still hasn’t really settled in my head that I actually have a “free” computer – from someone that I barely knew – I mean, that’s definitely God!!!

It taught me a lesson, that nothing is too small for God, and He cares in every little details of our lives. Even the very strand of our hair, He knows it! I can believe Him for everything!

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