Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Interview

Today went for my citizenship interview in the morning. Got everything needed, and memorised the answers to the question that they’ll be asking. So pretty sure that today will mark the day of history in Su Kian’s life journey…
Then…found out that I have to wait until next month, the 15th September, to lodge in my application. Haihhh…I forgot to count the days when I was on my holiday for the past two years. They count every single day that I am actually staying in Australia.

The interesting part is…starting from the 17th September, they will introduce the new test – where you have to sit for multiple choice questions…sounds a bit scary for me…and the officer told me that I don’t have to do the test, if I lodge my application online on the Saturday, 15th September.
Thank God!!!! So close….but really praise God!!!
All I can say is…”God, why do you have to make it such a suspense and exciting for me???” Hahhahaa…walking with God is the greatest adventure!!!

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