Monday, April 30, 2007

A Seed for A Purpose

Looking at nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, macadamias…these good nuts are in a shell. Because they contain good source of nutrition and they are very beneficial, so being in a shell gives protection to the nuts.

God is an amazing God, He is the Creator. He wonderfully created those plants, knowing how to design them, knowing the purpose of those plants.
If God is very thoughtful about the plants, how much more that He thought about us…human beings, whom God love so much, whom God show His love for us in every possible way.

I couldn’t comprehend how God would be so thoughtful in creating each one of us. We are who we are, as how He designed us to be. And being created in Him, He placed in us a very special and unique purpose for our lives.

How and when can we discover that special purpose that He has for us?
As the nuts came from seed form, and slowly grow into a tree, at that moment when we accepted Christ, a seed has been planted in our heart. A seed from God, labeled “made in Heaven”.

The seed is planted in the field of Grace, watered by Love and Compassion. Once it started to grow as a plant, He makes sure that it is well nourished. The Word of God fertilizes the plant, and He starts to trim and cause the plant to grow beautifully and in a good shape. Through challenges and trials in life, He moulds and shapes our lives, for He knows what’s best for us and what we designed to be.

Once it’s well nurtured, it will start to produce fruits; it is as God cause us to produce the fruit of Faith, fruit of Righteousness, and fruit of Love…….
And I can imagine how it will put a big smile on the One who has planted that seed, and caused that seed to grow into a tree and bears fruits.

I believe that is what life is all about. We are planted in the field of Grace, in that process of growing into a tree or bearing those fruits. Knowing and believing this, I can be rest assured in His presence, for He placed me in His field of Grace, and I can obtain the grace as much as I need, in times of need; for His word said “My Grace is sufficient for you…”

And when I feel weak and helpless, I can look to Him for strength, for His word says: ”My power is made perfect in your weaknesses…”
When troubles come and anxiety fills my heart, I can look to Him for peace, for His word said “My peace I give unto you…”

When I’m all alone, and there’s no one I can turn to, He is right there beside me, for His word says: “Never will I leave you nor forsake you…”

Lastly, having said and knowing all these, I can believe it with all my heart, that He is all I need.

By Su Kian
7th October 2005

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