Monday, August 20, 2007’s all about decisions…

When God opened my eyes to myself in the reflection of His mirror of truth,’s not a very pretty look. I begin to discover so many weaknesses and imperfections, a human being inside me, frankly…I felt ashamed about myself…not that I hate myself, I do love myself, but something in me called the sinful nature, separate from who I am, but not really…if you know what I mean.

Kept saying…”God, there’s nothing good in me at all!!! Times and times again I sinned against You..what to do with me????…quite frustrating because you want to do something about it, but you feel you cant do anything about it???

“Please change me, Lord…change my heart, I don’t want to be like this!”What can I do to change myself?”
While expecting that I’d heard some kind of convicting loud voice from God to affirm that yesss…I’m a sinner, and what I did is not right in His eyes…
Instead, I heard a gentle answer….His Spirit spoke to me”It’s not about being something, or trying to change something, it’s not about how can I changed myself to reach a standard that I set for myself….But it’s about every decision that you make, the choices that you make at each point of time and situation. It’s about making the right choice…it’s about choosing Christ.”

I was overwhelmed by that…a gentle voice that comforts and brings light into the situation. There’s a peace that came and flooded my mind and heart. Knowing that I don’t have to be Miss Perfect Christian to please God…I am who I am with all my imperfections, and I am determined to do what is right and pleasing to Him. He is pleased with my obedience, not with what I can offer or sacrifice. The exercise of self-will and to submit it under the authority itself demonstrated the sacrifice and act of worship to acknowledge the sovereignity of Christ over our lives.

Whenever you come to a cross-roads, or any given situation where you need to decide and act, Pause…and Ask… What Would Jesus Do?Then…Just Do It!

“Jesus guides us towards Christ-likeness and yet remember the fallenness of our humanity”
(quote from the book “Beautiful Offering” – Angela Thomas)

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