Sunday, April 29, 2007

Deeper in Love

Started reading the book “Enjoying God” by S.J.Hill, which I believe I found this book not just by coincidence! At the same time, it’a a season of my life now where God is bringing me to a place, closer to His presence, His purpose, and His heart. I begin to discover what it means to enjoy God, I mean truly enjoying Him. It was overwhelming at times because of the revelation of who God is, and who I really am!
Unworthy…undeserving…yet, He poured out His love for me. Feeling overwhelmed by His love and grace, I knew that nothing that I could do that can pay back what He has done for me.

And I realised, that the greatest gift that I could offer is the acceptance of His love for me, realising that I belong to Him..His treasured possession, the apple of His eyes.
He lead me to a secret place, where all other things around me started fading and I could see Him clearer and closer.

In that place, I felt broken and poor…realised that I have nothing but Jesus alone, the things in my life will not last forever, and people often come and go..
A revelation within my heart that Jesus only I have, and will always have til eternity.

I begin to fall in love all over again, deeper in love with Jesus…once again He captivated my heart. My heart started to catch His heartbeat, and I started living only for the audience of One.
It all happened, in that secret place….
I believe that He wants you too to come into that secret place, just you and Him, to be with Him, and you’ll discover His beautiful and wonderful love for you.
I can now say this “ Jesus, You are the lover of my soul…”

The invitation is always open, could you hear His gentle whisper in your heart…?
Will you come into that secret place?

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